Download serious sam the last hope
Download serious sam the last hope

In the current game state they cant even play 1 minute on easy so they just remove the headset and say "next". Is it that hard to understand that A LOT of people just want to try a good VR game to see what the fuss is all about ? They want to have fun for 15-30 minutes max. You could also disable all the achievements for that mode, it doesn't even matter.

download serious sam the last hope

Im talking less enemies that move slower. You pretty much just explained why there should be a "I am not a video game player mode" instead of all those annoying steps. I think there are in-VR shortcuts as well, but unfortunately don't know them from the top of my head. Have you ever wanted to fight Mentals alien hordes with your own two hands Well, now you can Step into the shoes of the Earth Defense Forces greatest hero in this unique VR simulation based on Sam Stones own log files from his time as captain of the Battlecruiser Saratoga. press Enter to apply, then F1 to exit the console.

download serious sam the last hope

You need to enable cheats through the console before putting the headset on. Originally posted by AlenL:What do you mean by set back to level 1? When you die on level 4, you should respawn at start of level 4, not level 1.

Download serious sam the last hope